When you have a newborn baby or two, people always talk about the 3 month time or "the light at the end of the tunnel." When everything is supposed to get easier and your life will begin to feel normal again. Let me tell you, I have seen the light!
The twinados are 3 months old now. 3 months 4 days to be exact. We are getting longer stretches of sleep and starting to feel like we can survive this multiples business. The babies are rewarding us for our lack of sleep and crazy lives with smiles and occasional baby laughs. Life is good.
A lot has changed since I promised to starting blogging again over a month ago. Our once tiny, slightly under cooked preemies are now huge babies. Kinlee is over 12 lbs now and our Jett is over 11. Jett talks more than Oprah and our Miss K is more dramatic than anyone in Hollywood. She is bananas. I videoed her crying the other day (because that's what good moms do) and let her watch it. She seriously made her self cry watching her self cry. Wrap your head around that. My mom want a video of K watching herself on video. I'll get right on that. Eventually.
We have kinda figured out how to take these babies in public. For the longest time we would leave the house one at a time because braving the great outdoors can be overwhelming and exhausting. Just loading the car can be work. Now we just each strap on a baby and go. The babies love being in the Bjorn. They can look around and we can get some shopping done.
The biggest change is that I am back at work. I feel like I should be working here at home helping grow the minds of a future doctor and a future technology genius but, for our family a stay at home dad works best for now. Luckily, I picked a great dad for my kids and they are very happy with our decision.
That's all the time I have for now. Miss Kinlee is fighting sleep and I need to get things ready for tomorrow. Here's recent pictures of our twinados. Enjoy.
1 week ago