I look at my last post and it was when I had week old twinados. 5 weeks ago. It feels just like yesterday though. I have 6 week old babies now and they are getting so big. So much has changed since my last post.
At the time of my last post, I was only 1 week into motherhood and had a lot of help and was just getting to know my babies. I was blissfully unaware of what was to come. I was certain at that point that I would win awards for Mother of the Year and that I should start writing my parenting book on the Joys of Multiples. Umm...lets just say that soon after that post I got my reality check.
Nothing can prepare you for motherhood and then multiply that by two. I had no idea how tired I would be. How emotional I would be. And how frustrated at myself I would be. They don't tell you that info in all the books that I downloaded into the Kindle I purchased before the babies arrived because I was sure I would have so much time to read. Or maybe I just skipped those chapters because I was sure they didn't apply to me.
This Mommy business is the hardest job I've ever done. It's the most important thing I have ever taken on so that's why it's so hard. I worked so hard at the perfect schedule, being prepared with bottles, packing the perfect diaper bag. Let's just say I've relaxed a little. I actually took both babies to the pediatrician today and forgot wipes. I prayed the entire time for no dirty diapers.
Now at 6 weeks I am starting to feel normal again. You get used not sleeping. You get used to the crying and start to figure out which ones are the real deal and which ones are from our future Oscar winning drama queen. You get used to taking life 3 hrs at a time between feedings. And it's all worth it.
I love my new job. Nothing feels better than having a newborn on your shoulder. It amazes me how they can go from crying like crazy and I can put them close to me and it calms them, because I'm their Mommy. She makes me laugh all day because she is so dramatic. He makes me smile because his smile is so big it moves his ears.
So, now that I am kinda getting more used to my new role I will try to post more. I need to because one day I wont have newborn babies. They grow so fast and I want to have some thing to look back on and remember this time. But for now, I'm going to try to catch a couple hours sleep while I can.
1 week ago